Soil cultivated with organic and biodynamic methods is dark, full of life, roots, insects and worms
...Fattoria La Vialla meticulously follows organic-biodynamic cultivation methods (it is recorded under number B125 in the register of organic farms; today there are more than 80,000 members)...
“You cannot pick a flower without disturbing a star”, Galileo Galilei (16th century) famously said. The words of the illustrious physicist – father of modern science – capture the essence of the biodynamic method, which envisages a farm (and the entire Earth) as a single organism, all the parts of which are closely connected. As was the case in ancient times, before chemicals, the use of good agronomic practices, biodynamic preparations and the lunar calendar, cultivating many different crops and their integrated use, promotes soil fertility and thereby the quality of the fruits produced.