Dear friends, scroll down for the price list with details of each product. Below it you will find information on Fattoria La Vialla’s organic-biodynamic production methods.
Sometimes we find ourselves short of ideas when a birthday, wedding or anniversary is drawing near, or when we simply want to surprise someone. On such occasions a Gift Voucher is the perfect solution, because it leaves the recipient free to choose according to their own taste. La Vialla offers the possibility of ordering either physical Gift Vouchers, which are sent accompanied by the current product book, or digital Gift Vouchers, which can be redeemed by using the Fattoria’s online order form.
Good news for our UK friends,there are no customs formalities required or duties to be paid!Our products are ready to ship from our UK warehouse. Also, no shipping costs will be charged for UK deliveries of goods worth £75.00 and over. For every delivery below £75.00 (regardless of the total value of the order), £8.15 will be charged to cover transportation. Prices are VAT inclusive.